Än en gång saknade jag möjligheten att se vilka låtar som folk skriver i olika IRC-kanaler med Spotify-länkar. Gjorde därför ‘Ilsken’ som är en enkel IRC-bot som letar efter Spotify-länkar och kastar ut titeln på dessa.
import socket, re
from SpotifyMetaData import Metadata #Import Spotimeta (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/spotimeta/0.2)
# @todo: Multiple networks
class IrcBot:
network = ''
port = 0
nick = ''
channel = []
irc = None
def __init__ (self, params):
"""Init bot using served parameters"""
self.network = params['server']
self.port = params['port']
self.nick = params['nick']
self.channel = params['channel']
def connect(self):
"""Connect bot to network and keep the connection going"""
self.irc = socket.socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.irc.connect ((self.network, self.port))
self.__log( self.irc.recv (4096) )
self.__sysMsg ('NICK ' + self.nick)
self.__sysMsg ('USER ' + self.nick + ' ' + self.nick + ' ' + self.nick + ' :Python IRC')
for chanItem in self.channel:
self.__sysMsg ('JOIN ' + chanItem)
while True:
data = self.irc.recv (4096)
dataSplit = data.split(' ');
if len(dataSplit) <= 3 :
if data.find ('PING') != -1:
self.__sysMsg ('PONG ' + data.split() [ 1 ])
self.__log('PONG ' + data.split() [ 1 ])
if data.find('PRIVMSG') != -1:
def __parseData(self, msg):
"""Generate a dictionary for msg, channel and sender"""
complete = msg[1:].split(':',1)
info = complete[0].split(' ')
sender = info[0].split('!')
return { 'channel' : info[2], 'sender' : sender[0], 'msg' : '' . join(complete[1]) }
def __handleData(self, data):
"""Parse user submitted data and handle it appropriate"""
dataInfo = self.__parseData(data)
# Add Spotify-functionality
def __handleSpotify(self, dataInfo):
"""Identify Spotify-tracks and albums and take result from MetaData-api"""
spotPattern = re.compile('spotify:(.*?):(.*?)\s')
spotBark = spotPattern.search( dataInfo['msg'])
if spotBark:
spotGroups = spotBark.groups()
# Init Metadata-lib
metacache = {}
metadata = Metadata(cache=metacache)
metaInfo = metadata.lookup('spotify:'+spotGroups[0]+":"+spotGroups[1])
if spotGroups[0] == 'track' or spotGroups[0] == 'album':
r = metaInfo["result"]["artist"]["name"] + ' - ' + metaInfo["result"]["name"]
r = '(Not found)'
# @todo: Fetch RateLimiting instead of doing a "casual case" like this
r = "(Limit exceeded or wrong input)"
self.__privMsg(dataInfo['channel'], dataInfo['sender'] + ': ' + r)
def __log(self, msg):
"""Log to command line with a following linebreak"""
print msg + '\n'
def __sysMsg(self, cmd):
"""Send commands to server with appropriate \r\n"""
self.irc.send(cmd + '\r\n')
def __privMsg(self, target, msg):
"""Send privMsg to target (user or channel)"""
msg = 'PRIVMSG ' + target + ' :' + msg
self.__sysMsg ( msg )
params = {
'server' : 'irc.freenode.net', \
'port' : 6667, \
'nick' : 'ilsken', \
'channel' : ['#fooc2p'] \
bot = IrcBot(params)
Jag använde mig av Spotimeta för att parsa länkarna när de hittats.
from xml.dom import minidom
# extremely boring dom parsing ahead. Consider yourself warned.
USER_AGENT = "Spotimeta %s" % 1
# The reason for the uri arg is that the xml returned from lookups do not
# contain the href uri of the thing that was looked up. However, when an
# element is encountered that is NOT the root of a query, it DOES contain
# the href. We pass it in so the returned data will have the same format
# always
def parse_lookup_doc(src, uri=None):
doc = minidom.parse(src)
root = doc.documentElement
if root.nodeName == "artist":
return {"type": "artist", "result": parse_artist(root, uri)}
elif root.nodeName == "album":
return {"type": "album", "result": parse_album(root, uri)}
elif root.nodeName == "track":
return {"type": "track", "result": parse_track(root, uri)}
raise Exception("unknown node type! " + root.nodeName) # fixme: proper exception here
def parse_search_doc(src):
doc = minidom.parse(src)
root = doc.documentElement
if root.nodeName == "artists":
return parse_artist_search(root)
elif root.nodeName == "albums":
return parse_album_search(root)
elif root.nodeName == "tracks":
return parse_track_search(root)
raise Exception("unknown node type! " + root.nodeName) # fixme: proper exception here
def parse_artist(root, uri=None):
ret = {}
if uri or root.hasAttribute("href"):
ret["href"] = uri or root.getAttribute("href")
for name, elem in _nodes(root):
if name == "name":
ret["name"] = _text(elem)
elif name == "albums":
ret["albums"] = parse_albumlist(elem)
return ret
def parse_artistlist(root):
return map(parse_artist, _filter(root, "artist"))
def parse_albumlist(root):
return map(parse_album, _filter(root, "album"))
def parse_tracklist(root):
return map(parse_track, _filter(root, "track"))
def parse_album(root, uri=None):
ret = {}
if uri or root.hasAttribute("href"):
ret["href"] = uri or root.getAttribute("href")
for name, elem in _nodes(root):
if name == "name":
ret["name"] = _text(elem)
elif name == "released":
released = _text(elem)
if released:
ret["released"] = int(_text(elem))
elif name == "id":
if not "ids" in ret:
ret["ids"] = []
elif name == "tracks":
ret["tracks"] = parse_tracklist(elem)
ret["artists"] = parse_artistlist(root)
if len(ret["artists"]) == 1:
ret["artist"] = ret["artists"][0]
ret["artist"] = None
# todo: availability stuff. RFH
return ret
def parse_id(elem):
ret = {"type": elem.getAttribute("type"),
"id": _text(elem)}
if elem.hasAttribute("href"):
ret["href"] = elem.getAttribute("href")
return ret
def parse_track(root, uri=None):
ret = {}
if uri or root.hasAttribute("href"):
ret["href"] = uri or root.getAttribute("href")
for name, elem in _nodes(root):
if name == "name":
ret["name"] = _text(elem)
elif name == "disc-number":
ret["disc-number"] = int(_text(elem))
elif name == "track-number":
ret["track-number"] = int(_text(elem))
elif name == "length":
ret["length"] = float(_text(elem))
elif name == "popularity":
ret["popularity"] = float(_text(elem))
elif name == "album":
ret["album"] = parse_album(elem)
elif name == "id":
if not "ids" in ret:
ret["ids"] = []
ret["artists"] = parse_artistlist(root)
# Following prop is there for backwards compat. It may be dropped in a
# future version
if ret["artists"]:
ret["artist"] = ret["artists"][0]
return ret
def parse_opensearch(root):
ret = {}
elems = root.getElementsByTagNameNS("http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/", "*")
for name, elem in ((e.localName, e) for e in elems):
if name == "Query":
ret["term"] = elem.getAttribute("searchTerms")
ret["start_page"] = int(elem.getAttribute("startPage"))
elif name == "totalResults":
ret["total_results"] = int(_text(elem))
elif name == "startIndex":
ret["start_index"] = int(_text(elem))
elif name == "itemsPerPage":
ret["items_per_page"] = int(_text(elem))
return ret
def parse_album_search(root):
# Note that the search result tags are not tags or similar.
# Instead they are normal tags with extra
# stuff from the opensearch namespace. That's why we cant just directly
# return the result from parse_albumlist
ret = parse_opensearch(root)
ret["result"] = parse_albumlist(root)
return ret
def parse_artist_search(root):
ret = parse_opensearch(root)
ret["result"] = parse_artistlist(root)
return ret
def parse_track_search(root):
ret = parse_opensearch(root)
ret["result"] = parse_tracklist(root)
return ret
def _nodes(elem):
"""return an generator yielding element nodes that are children
of elem."""
return ((e.nodeName, e) for e
in elem.childNodes
if e.nodeType==e.ELEMENT_NODE)
def _text(elem):
"""Returns a concatenation of all text nodes that are children
of elem (roughly what elem.textContent does in web dom"""
return "".join((e.nodeValue for e
in elem.childNodes
if e.nodeType==e.TEXT_NODE))
def _filter(elem, filtername):
"""Returns a generator yielding all child nodes with the nodeName name"""
return (elem for (name, elem)
in _nodes(elem)
if name == filtername)
import sys
import urllib2
import time
from email.utils import parsedate_tz, mktime_tz, formatdate
except ImportError: # utils module name was lowercased after 2.4
from email.Utils import parsedate_tz, mktime_tz, formatdate
from urllib import urlencode
class SpotimetaError(Exception):
"""Superclass for all spotimeta exceptions. Adds no functionality. Only
there so it's possible to set up try blocks that catch all spotimeta
errors, regardless of class"""
class RequestTimeout(SpotimetaError):
"""Raised when the timeout flag is in use and a request did not finish
within the allotted time."""
class NotFound(SpotimetaError):
"""Raised when doing lookup on something that does not exist. Triggered
by the 404 http status code"""
class RateLimiting(SpotimetaError):
"""Raised when the request was not completed due to rate limiting
class ServiceUnavailable(SpotimetaError):
"""Raised when the metadata service is not available (that is, the server
is up, but not accepting API requests at this time"""
class ServerError(SpotimetaError):
"""Raised when an internal server error occurs. According to the spotify
documentation, this "should not happen"."""
def canonical(url_or_uri):
"""returns a spotify uri, regardless if a url or uri is passed in"""
if url_or_uri.startswith("http"): # assume it's a url
parts = url_or_uri.split("/")
return "spotify:%s:%s" % (parts[-2], parts[-1])
return url_or_uri
def entrytype(url_or_uri):
"""Return "album", "artist" or "track" based on the type of entry the uri
or url refers to."""
uri = canonical(url_or_uri)
return uri.split(":")[1]
except IndexError:
return None
class Metadata(object):
def __init__(self, cache=None, rate=10, timeout=None, user_agent=None):
self.cache = cache # not implemented yet
self.rate = rate # not implemented yet
self.timeout = timeout
self.user_agent = user_agent or USER_AGENT
self._timeout_supported = True
self._port = "80"
self._host = "ws.spotify.com"
self._detailtypes = {
"artist": {1: "album", 2: "albumdetail"},
"album": {1: "track", 2: "trackdetail"}
major, minor = sys.version_info[:2]
if self.timeout and major == 2 and minor <6:
self._timeout_supported = False
import warnings
warnings.warn("Timeouts in urllib not supported in this version" +
" of python. timeout argument will be ignored!")
def _do_request(self, url, headers):
"""Perform an actual response. Deal with 200 and 304 responses
correctly. If another error occurs, raise the appropriate
req = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers)
if self.timeout and self._timeout_supported:
return urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=self.timeout)
return urllib2.urlopen(req)
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
if e.code == 304:
return e # looks wrong but isnt't. On non fatal errors the
# exception behaves like the retval from urlopen
elif e.code == 404:
raise NotFound()
elif e.code == 403:
raise RateLimiting()
elif e.code == 500:
raise ServerError()
elif e.code == 503:
raise ServiceUnavailable()
raise # this should never happen
except urllib2.URLError, e:
"""Probably timeout. should do a better check. FIXME"""
raise RequestTimeout()
# all the exceptions we don't know about yet. Probably
# some socket errors will come up here.
def _get_url(self, url, query, if_modified_since=None):
"""Perform an http requests and return the open file-like object, if
there is one, as well as the expiry time and last-modified-time
if they were present in the reply.
If the if_modified_since variable is passed in, send it as the value
of the If-Modified-Since header."""
if query:
url = "%s?%s" %(url, urlencode(query))
headers = {'User-Agent': self.user_agent}
if if_modified_since:
headers["If-Modified-Since"] = formatdate(if_modified_since, False, True)
fp = self._do_request(url, headers)
# at this point we have something file like after the request
# finished with a 200 or 304.
headers = fp.info()
if fp.code == 304:
fp = None
expires = None
if "Expires" in headers:
expires = mktime_tz(parsedate_tz(headers.get("Expires")))
modified = None
if "Last-Modified" in headers:
modified = mktime_tz(parsedate_tz(headers.get("Last-Modified")))
return fp, modified, expires
def lookup(self, uri, detail=0):
"""Lookup metadata for a URI. Optionally ask for extra details.
The details argument is an int: 0 for normal ammount of detauls, 1
for extra details, and 2 for most details. For tracks the details
argument is ignored, as the Spotify api only has one level of detail
for tracks. For the meaning of the detail levels, look at the
Spotify api docs"""
key = "%s:%s" % (uri, detail)
res, modified, expires = self._cache_get(key)
if res and time.time() < expires:
return res
# else, cache is outdated or entry not in it. Normal request cycle
url = "http://%s:%s/lookup/%s/" % (self._host, self._port, API_VERSION)
uri = canonical(uri)
query = {"uri": uri}
kind = entrytype(uri)
if detail in (1,2) and kind in self._detailtypes.keys():
query["extras"] = self._detailtypes[kind][detail]
fp, new_modified, new_expires = self._get_url(url, query, modified)
if fp: # We got data, sweet
res = parse_lookup_doc(fp, uri=uri)
self._cache_put(key, res, new_modified or modified, new_expires or expires)
return res
def search_album(self, term, page=None):
"""The first page is numbered 1!"""
url = "http://%s:%s/search/%s/album" % (
self._host, self._port, API_VERSION)
return self._do_search(url, term, page)
def search_artist(self, term, page=None):
"""The first page is numbered 1!"""
url = "http://%s:%s/search/%s/artist" % (
self._host, self._port, API_VERSION)
return self._do_search(url, term, page)
def search_track(self, term, page=None):
"""The first page is numbered 1!"""
url = "http://%s:%s/search/%s/track" % (
self._host, self._port, API_VERSION)
return self._do_search(url, term, page)
def _do_search(self, url, term, page):
key = "%s:%s" % (term, page)
res, modified, expires = self._cache_get(key)
if res and time.time() < expires:
return res
query = {"q": term.encode('UTF-8')}
if page is not None:
query["page"] = str(page)
fp, new_modified, new_expires = self._get_url(url, query, modified)
if fp: # We got data, sweet
res = parse_search_doc(fp)
self._cache_put(key, res, new_modified or modified, new_expires or expires)
return res
def _cache_get(self, key):
"""Get a tuple containing data, last-modified, expires.
If entry is not in cache return None, 0, 0
entry = None
if self.cache is not None:
entry = self.cache.get(key)
return entry or (None, 0, 0)
def _cache_put(self, key, value, modified, expires):
"""Inverse of _cache_put"""
if self.cache is not None:
self.cache[key] = value, modified, expires
Har ni några tips eller förslag på koden så är det välkommet! Kommentera eller använd kontaktformuläret.
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