
Swedish Startup Space acquired by Breakit

Today, I have some exciting news to share with you all. Below is a press release by Swedish Startup Space and the Breakit team.

Read more:

When Swedish Startup Space launched two and a half years ago, the web site quickly became a must-visit for entrepreneurs, investors and techies who wanted to keep track what was going on in the flourishing Swedish startup industry.

The site was, in part, born out of frustration. Swedish tech companies were extremely successful, but did not get much coverage from Swedish media. If an entrepreneur in Stockholm wanted to read an article about a company that her friend started at KTH and which was now raising a huge sum of capital – she would find that article on Techcrunch instead of a local news service.

“She would find that article on Techcrunch instead of a local news service”

Anders, Pär, Einar and James saw this and decided to do something about it. The original idea was to create a community where people in the Swedish tech industry could connect, find jobs and look for events or office space. But Swedish Startup Space soon became a news service too, reaching tens of thousands of readers every week.

It became an important component of the startup ecosystem in Stockholm. For that, the four founders deserve the warm gratitude of the community.

A lot has changed in Swedish startup media since early 2013.

Swedish business journalists are now giving the startup industry the coverage that it deserves. As mainstream media coverage of startups has increased, the Swedish Startup Space founders feel that their mission has been achieved. Breakit is today happy to announce that we are acquiring the Swedish Startup Space property, in order to increase English-language coverage of the Swedish startup scene, something that Swedish Startup Space proved was popular with an international audience.

In short: This is not the end of Swedish Startup Space. In fact, it’s the opposite.

The web site will become a part of Breakit. This means that it will be backed by a professional news organization producing more content then before. You will see more articles (in English) and a few new faces among the contributors. The popular job board will live on.

Anders, James, Einar and Pär will leave Swedish Startup Space and continue to work on their other companies they’ve since gone on to start. They will however remain as honorary ambassadors at Breakit, contributing from time to time.

Olle Aronsson, co-founder, Breakit
Stefan Lundell, co-founder, Breakit


My next adventure: Sparta Sales

This week was my first week at Sparta Sales. Sparta is a sales gamification platform that helps sales organisations drive sales growth and build stronger sales culture.

I had my last day at Citrix on July 1st. Long story short, I had a blast at Citrix, but the opportunity at Sparta was just to good for me to pass on. At Citrix I got to work with some amazingly talented people, travel the world and create one of the best mobile conference apps in the world (check it out! Even Apple thinks so). I will miss it all dearly.

Sparta was founded in Stockholm, Sweden in 2014. Today we are proud to say that we have some of the Nordic’s largest sales organisations as customers such as Bonnier, Modern Times Group, Tele2, Canal Digital, Com Hem, Hyundai and many more.

The company has a warm and welcoming environment, a multicultural and diverse team and a can-do mentality where everything is possible. I am very proud to be part of this team.

We are currently looking for a talented frontend engineer, so if you know of any, please send them my way!



The Swedish Startup Scene In Numbers

SUP46 in Stockholm put together some awesome facts about the Swedish Startup Scene: